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WWE '12
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 00:17 | Nachricht # 31
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
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joah brauch ich net hab ich live geguckt (mit: GWO Ix Bl4ck xI, TheDoommaster, Kiba No Jutsu!) ;D

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Kiba_No_JutsuDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 01:43 | Nachricht # 32
Gruppe: Gelöscht

Jetzt machst du fast das selbe wie Destroyer cheeky ...
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 02:58 | Nachricht # 33
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
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scheiiiße biggrin

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BellicoderDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 14:07 | Nachricht # 34
Gruppe: General Manager
Nachrichten: 321
Auszeichnungen: 9
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"Wenn man es direkt postet, ist es spoilern." wink Außerdem poste ich hier alles über WWE 12 rein, was noch nicht drin ist.

- 41 time Online Champion
- GWO Hall of Famer (2010)
- GWO-Youtube-Kanal-Erfinder
- *Rekord: Schnellster Titelgewinn (in der 1. Woche)*
Kiba_No_JutsuDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 14:39 | Nachricht # 35
Gruppe: Gelöscht

1. Ist eigentlich alles was wir hier posten Spoilern Rene ^^
Solange es vor dem Release ist oder solange es noch niemand besitzt ist es Spoilern ... ich glaub was "Spoilern" ist hast du noch nicht ganz verstanden, oder einfach anders gemeint ...

Und 2. sind eben Foren (Naja, bzw dieser Thread) für Spoiler gedacht smile
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Freitag, 19/08/11, 20:03 | Nachricht # 36
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
Ruf: -6
Status: Offline
leck mich hippi biggrin

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BellicoderDatum: Samstag, 20/08/11, 15:01 | Nachricht # 37
Gruppe: General Manager
Nachrichten: 321
Auszeichnungen: 9
Ruf: 19
Status: Offline
Hier ein volles Gamplay zwischen CM Punk und John Cena:

- 41 time Online Champion
- GWO Hall of Famer (2010)
- GWO-Youtube-Kanal-Erfinder
- *Rekord: Schnellster Titelgewinn (in der 1. Woche)*
Kiba_No_JutsuDatum: Samstag, 20/08/11, 15:22 | Nachricht # 38
Gruppe: Gelöscht

"Wake up taunts can be used from the top turnbuckle as well only if you have a finisher from the top turnbuckle"

mhhhh... wer hat denn nen Finisher vom Turnbuckle bei dem der Gegner steht Oo ......

"Nothing was removed from last year’s game. All match types are still in, and all creation modes are making their return, so Create A Moveset (luckily movesets look way better than last year), Create An Entrance, Create A Finisher, Paint Tool, Highlight Reel and Superstar Threads will all still be in the game, with an addition been made to one of these modes, which will be revealed in the upcoming months (as announced, it's an addition to an EXISTENT mode, so it’s NOT Create A Championship). WWE Universe and Road To WrestleMania are still in as well and have been improved upon."

Erstellte Arenen können nicht online benutzt werden.

"10 Superstars have their Comebacks (Daniel Bryan, Edge, John Cena, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Triple H and a superstar yet to be revealed), but you can assign the ability to whoever and choose for them one of those 10 comebacks."

"As far as wake up taunts instead, the selection is way more satisfying: in fact, every superstar has one, and you can choose as your wake up taunt from ANY taunt available in the game. Just pick which one you want, and the opponent will stand up groggy right in front of you everytime you perform it."

"An addition to the pin system, is the new way Resilency works. Now we can only use it once a match by pressing a button while receiving a pin. This will cause our blue zone to become 2x bigger to give us more chances to kick out for that particular occasion.
"- Gamespy is no longer taking care of online. Online servers will be handled directly by THQ.
- Durability ability appears to be gone.
- Ring Escape ability can now only be used 3 times in a match
- We can now perform Springboard attacks while running towards the ropes without having to lean on them
- We still can’t keep our Advanced Entrance if we win a championship.
- Targeting system looks the same as last year, which means is still bad. I was playing a one on one and ended up doing a Springboard on the ref inside the ring, when I was trying to Springboard towards my opponent outside of the ring…
- There are two move positions: one is the classic 619 position (and that’s where you trigger Rey’s move), the other is "opponent grounded, player standing near corner” (and that’s where you trigger the Punt Kick, the Spear, among with other moves)"

Letzteres versteh ich selber nicht ...


- Reversals into Chain Grapples have been fixed: no more constantly button mash the reversal button to get out of them.
- So is the Apron Running Attack, this year is possible to perform it again.
- The AI now is much more responding during pin attempts and does kick out a lot more than last year.
- No more referee constantly distracting himself in matches with managers, even when the manager is down on the floor.
- There was an issue last year that prevented us from doing finishers from the top of the ladder to the opponent placed on the table. This year, we can!
- It’s no longer possible to attack your opponent while he’s rebounding off the ropes (in the moment he touches them)
- Triple H running knee attack animation has been changed
- The glitch that caused the Freeze finisher has been removed
- The freeze glitch with two people in the turnbuckle is gone as well
- The turnbuckle DQ Ref Glitch (online players will know what I’m talking about) has ben fixed too"


Ich weiß natürlich nicht ob die stimmt aber hier soll wohl die Liste sein für die CAW Namen die man für die Kombinationen nutzen kann

Eintrag wurde bearbeitet von KuebelKolli - Samstag, 20/08/11, 23:04
Kiba_No_JutsuDatum: Montag, 22/08/11, 01:41 | Nachricht # 39
Gruppe: Gelöscht

Sry 4 2post,

Randy Ortons punt kick kann man selber steuern so wie den 619

Custom attires beim entrance gibt's nicht mehr
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Dienstag, 23/08/11, 00:11 | Nachricht # 40
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
Ruf: -6
Status: Offline
In WWE '12 wird es auch ein 40Mann Royal Rumble geben so wie es dieses Jahr zum ersten mal gezeigt wurde! Zusätzlich gibt es auch die Info, das die Ex-DIVA Melina nicht im Spiel sein wird! Wie Kolli schon sagte, man kann immernoch nicht die Entrance Attires bearbeiten -.- Gut das wäre es ersteinmal!

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Kiba_No_JutsuDatum: Mittwoch, 24/08/11, 13:47 | Nachricht # 41
Gruppe: Gelöscht

es geht wieder los:

WWE'12 Confirmed: Lightweight Superstars Like Rey Mysterio cannot pick up Super Heavyweight Superstars Like Big Show

WWE'12: Confirmed: You Can Defend The Titles In Exhibition And On Both Shows Raw And Smackdown In The WWE Universe Mode

Just for the record, MAE YOUNG is rumored to be the next legend in WWE'12 Videogame, THQ Tank has given us the clue by saying This is my @WWE 12 roster reveal hint of the week, and that's how i'm gonna roll, a @WWE Hall of Fame legend has yet to be revealed
(glaub ich auf keeeeinen fallllll xD)

list of new moves:

WWE '12 RTWM INFO: You start with Sheamus and operates from PPV to PPV. Later we then plays other characters. All in all, it is a great storyline. A range like its predecessor that no longer exists.

Eintrag wurde bearbeitet von KuebelKolli - Mittwoch, 24/08/11, 21:27
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Mittwoch, 21/09/11, 07:22 | Nachricht # 42
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
Ruf: -6
Status: Offline
It has been confirmed by Bryan Williams in an interview with Play3 that there will be 300 new moves-taunts this year in WWE"12 Video game!


It has been confirmed that Andre 'The Giant' and Owen Hart won't be in WWE'12 videogame!

Zugefügt (28/08/11, 23:10)
Rikishi is confirmed as NOT being in!
Match Creator is the same as last year
8 Roster Videos Released Every Week
Create A Title NOT in this year
Mae Young is NOT in -
NO Fan Axxess this year!!!!
Andre The Giant is NOT In
Manuel Targeting is in again
You Can Defend Titles in Exhibition
Weight detection is back in

This past friday night Michael Cole asked "Do you think Sin Cara can beat my character in the new WWE video game". from Booker T. So it is basically confirmed that Michael Cole will be in WWE'12 as we reported before as well!


Zugefügt (01/09/11, 19:24)
It has been confirmed that Rosa Mendes will not be in WWE'12, neither as unlockable or a DLC!

It has been confirmed by Cory that we can use Paint tool in Create an Arena mode.

Why wait for The Great One at Survivor Series when you can have The Rock in WWE '12! Its the most electrifying pre-order in sports entertainment. Available world-wide -

Zugefügt (03/09/11, 22:29)
Yes, Exhibition and Universe are separated. U can change titles and have title matches whenever u want in both. U can vacate in Exhibition.

WWE '12 Creative Director Cory Ledesma Tweeted:
Did you know? #WWE12 has 23 different championship titles in the game! And no, I'm not going to tell you what they all are yet. Patience...

Don't like an Overall rating you see for a particular Superstar, Diva or Legend? Change it yourself with the Attribute Customizer add on!

If u have any Question About The Game Ask us @TheWWERocker On Twitter We Will Surely Tweeted u back the info as we knw! Thanks


Zugefügt (04/09/11, 13:39)
So dumm es auch klingen mag, doch es wird in WWE '12 sogar einen Yoga Modus geben! Was dort geschieht weis noch keiner aber naja gut!

Um diesen Yoga Modus frei zuschalten, müsst ihr den Karrieremodus auf Legende meistern!

Zugefügt (08/09/11, 15:11)
This is what the game tester has to say, we request you to take it as rumor until these are confirmed by officials

** I won't reveal who the mystery superstar is, but the clues he gave me were that it is not HBK, Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, Yokozuna, Foley, etc that have been named on the internet. It is a wwe superstar that has been in 1 WWF/E game. Going back to Wrestlefest is too far and Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is too close. But he said having this person in the game is "A very good thing."- some will get this others won't.

** WM 14 attire HBK (against Stone Cold) and Bret Hart are DLC. Batista, Jericho, Khali are not in the game.

** The remaining 14 spots are made up of 7 diva's, 2 hall of famers, 3 current superstars and 2 NPC that will be playable (wrestling attire Cole and Jim Ross from Extreme Rules). (Hint: Khali is not in, but Mahal is one of the DLC). Chris Masters, DH Smith, Melina, Gail Kim were all slated to be DLC but have been scrapped. This made the overall roster smaller than expected. JTG, Trent Barretta, Curt Hawkins, and Tyler Reks are all NOT in this year.

**Macho Man, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar are all NOT in the game! The Lesnar game model a THQ staffer said was made for WWE 12 was actually made for UFC Undisputed 3.

** Kharma has turned up in testing, but they have been told her character "most likely won't make it to the final product as WWE has requested her be scratched.

** Sin Cara has his lightning in 1 vs 1 matches and it is "very annoying" to him at least.

** All legends have a titan tron video, but only those that have actually had mini trons on TV since they started using them have them in game. All released superstars (kozlov and guerrero) have had their mini trons taken out recently. He is not sure why they did this.

** Demolition on their team entrance had clipping problems where the models face would come through the mask. They have worked on this and corrected it.


Zugefügt (08/09/11, 15:17)
THQ Tank Confirmed That The Mystery Superstar Wont be from SVR Series Its From Past WWE Game's!!!


Zugefügt (21/09/11, 07:22)
EDGE Entrance:

Cody Rhodes Entrance = EPIC:

Ezekiel Jackson Entrance:

Tyson Kidd Entrance:

( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅|̲̅ ̲̅|̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) <- Für deine Fresse

Eintrag wurde bearbeitet von XI_DASHiiNG_IX - Samstag, 27/08/11, 00:31
BellicoderDatum: Mittwoch, 21/09/11, 14:16 | Nachricht # 43
Gruppe: General Manager
Nachrichten: 321
Auszeichnungen: 9
Ruf: 19
Status: Offline
Hier einige Comeback-Moments (John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker und Randy Orton):

Und ein "Create a"-Trailer:

- 41 time Online Champion
- GWO Hall of Famer (2010)
- GWO-Youtube-Kanal-Erfinder
- *Rekord: Schnellster Titelgewinn (in der 1. Woche)*
oMG_iTz_I_reneDatum: Donnerstag, 29/09/11, 12:40 | Nachricht # 44
GWO Legend
Gruppe: GWO Superstar
Nachrichten: 133
Auszeichnungen: 5
Ruf: -6
Status: Offline
sry das es nur ein Entrance ist, aber die anderen sind billig. biggrin
VIVA LA RAZA: Eddie Guerrero

Zugefügt (29/09/11, 12:40)
New features that are confirmed for WWE Universe Mode 2.0 are: Draft show, You can interupt AI vs AI matches, Create your own show in Universe mode, and you can choose who to face at Wrestlemania as Royal Rumble winner.

Confirmed Non playable characters
Jim Ross
Micheal Cole ??? er sollte doch Spielbar sein ???
Justin Roberts
Ricardo Rodriguez
Theodore Long
Tony Chimel
Josh Mathews


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BellicoderDatum: Dienstag, 11/10/11, 15:43 | Nachricht # 45
Gruppe: General Manager
Nachrichten: 321
Auszeichnungen: 9
Ruf: 19
Status: Offline
Hier ein neues Video zum "Create an Arena"-Modus, das ein paar kreierbare Sachen zeigt:

- 41 time Online Champion
- GWO Hall of Famer (2010)
- GWO-Youtube-Kanal-Erfinder
- *Rekord: Schnellster Titelgewinn (in der 1. Woche)*