Undisputed Championship Last Man Standing (GWO Ix Bl4ck xI vs XxDACxD34DM4NxX) Sieger und letzter Championship der Svr 11 Season: Batista (XxDACxD34DM4NxX)
World Heavyweight Championship Hell in a Cell
(GWO Ix Dark xI vs FreundErika) Sieger und letzter World Champion: Randy Orton (GWO Ix Dark xI)
Intercontinental Championship Steel Cage
(Bellicoder vs TheDoommaster) Sieger und letzter Intercontinental Champion: MVP (Bellicoder)
Divas Championship Normal Match
(GWO Ix Dark xI vs Bellicoder) Sieger und letze Divas Champion:
GWO Championship 3 Stages of Hell
(Bellicoder vs TheDoommaster) Sieger und letzter GWO Champion: The Rock (Bellicoder)
German Championship 30 Min Iron Match
(GWO Ix Dark xI vs B360 Viper) Sieger und letzter German Champion: Sheamus (B360 Viper)
Cruserweight Championship Tables Match
(XxDACxD34DM4NxX vs GWO Ix Bl4ck xI) Sieger und letzter Cruserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero (GWO Ix Bl4ck xI)
ROH Television ChampionshipFalls Count Anywhere The Kid (TheDoommaster) vs Bully Ray (full8) Sieger und weiterhin ROH Television Champion: The Kid (The Doommaster) ROH Television Championship (Rematch)Falls Count Anywhere with Manager The Kid (The Doommaster) with Vince McMahon (GWO Ix Bl4ck xI) vs Bully Ray (full8) Sieger und letzter ROH Television Champion: The Kid (The Doommaster) ROH World ChampionshipTLC Ninja (Bellicoder) vs Snake (GWO Ix Bl4ck xI) Sieger und letzter ROH World Champion: Ninja (Bellicoder)